Monday, February 28, 2022

Saturday, November 6, 2021

What catnip does for pets

   The herbs that you include in a sensory garden for your animals will usually also be helpful to you. However, don't automatically assume that every plant that has medicinal benefits for you or for a particular animal in your household will also be safe for every pet in your house. 

Always check to ensure that the herbs that you are including are safe for everyone in your home. Many help both dogs and cats. Catnip is a favorite of cats and it is also safe for dogs.

if your dog suffers from separation anxiety or other forms of anxiety, basil is a good herb to include in your sensory garden because it helps with anxiety. If you have an older dog in your home or a dog that is affected by arthritis even though they're relatively young, basil should also be included. Basil helps with arthritis pain

Catnip can be included in your garden for your own benefit as well as for cats and dogs. Catnip contains a chemical which is similar to another group of chemicals that are found in valerian.

The chemical in catnip is called nepetalactone and it is used by plants as a natural insect repellent. While catnip is safe for your cat, observe how much of it they're using. It can make them high if they use a lot, whether they have fresh catnip, the oil or dried catnip.

Catnip helps with relaxation. If your dog or cat chews on catnip, they'll feel more relaxed. You may also observe that they all become a little bit more playful because they're in a relaxed mood.

However, the exact effect is a little bit different in both of these mammals. When your cat has catnip it acts as a stimulant. When your dog has catnip it acts as a sedative.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Friday, October 1, 2021

Red clover dog diuretic

  Red clover has several benefits for dogs. Red clover is a natural diuretic for dogs.  Red clover is helpful for cleansing the blood and your holistic veterinarian may also recommend it for dogs that have skin conditions.

Red clover is rich in nutrients. This is one of the reasons why it is grown on many farms, where it is used as ground cover. Red clover is a natural anti-inflammatory and it helps to reduce blood pressure in dogs and cats.


Cat ensure

Natural diuretics for dogs

Monday, June 7, 2021

Post Operative Cat Care


Advice on cat surgery aftercare will usually be given by your veterinarian before and after your pet's operation. Be sure to ask your veterinarian any questions that you have, so you're fully prepared when tour cat gets home.

Your cat will usually be confined to one location for at least a few days after their surgery. This is because strenuous activities like jumping can put pressure on the wound.


Your cat may need to have special food after surgery. Ensure for cats can supply the nutrients they need.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Herbal natural diuretics for dogs with CHF

 Natural Diuretic for Dogs with Congestive Heart Failure

Hawthorn, and dandelion diuretic root for edema, help dogs with water retention. A blend of these natural diuretic foods or beverages for edema will also help people who have swelling from fluid retention. This type of swelling from having excess fluid in the body can occur anywhere inside the body.

You should not panic if your dog has swelling in their face or some other part of their body at some point. For example, dogs may have edema in their feet or around their throat. Speak to your vet about it.

Treating Congestive Heart Failure in Dogs With Diet

Supplements like dandelion can help a dog with congestive heart failure. Talk to your veterinarian about the ways in which a supplement like this can be used to help your dog:

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Natural diuretic for edema

Natural Diuretics Medications For Dogs - Help the Heart Pump Better
Water pills for dogs or natural diuretics medications for dogs work by helping to eliminate excess fluid from your dog's body. A dog diuretic is specially formulated for canines and should not be used with other animals that are in the same household.

Hawthorn is a powerful dog diuretic. It:
Reduces fluid buildup
Alleviates the symptoms of CHF in dogs
Helps dogs that are tired or wheezing from CHF

If you have a cat in the same house that also needs a diuretic, your vet can recommend diuretics for cats that will help. A natural diuretic medication like this that is safe for humans may not always be safe for cats and dogs. However, in some cases, they are. Talk to your vet about which diuretic medication for people may be safe to use with your older dog.

Diuretic side effects may sometimes be experienced by dogs that are on  water pills for dogs. This is one of the reasons why some pet people also like to ask their vet about herbal diuretics that can be used safely with their dog. However, you should never stop giving diuretics medications for dogs because of side effects.

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over the counter natural diuretic for dogs with chf
pet diuretics for dogs over the counter
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Your vet may make it easier for your dog's heart to pump by prescribing these diuretic medications for dogs:

Some of these diuretic medications for dogs may have diuretic side effects. Diuretic side effects which may be present in your dog include:
Excess potassium in  their blood
Muscle cramps
Pain in their head

Some of these may be easier to detect than others. You can sometimes know if your dog is having a headache because they may want to move to an area that is dark or a more quiet area. They may want to be left alone or may rub their head against something in order to get relief from the pain.

What Is Hydrochlorothiazide?
What is Hydrochlorothiazide? What is Hydrochlorothiazide used for and how does it affect your dog? Many pet people wonder about this drug when it is prescribed for their older dog. Hydrochlorothiazide is a thiazide diuretic, one of three types of diuretic medications for dogs.

Hydrochlorothiazide removes excess fluid from your dog's body. Hydrochlorothiazide also helps to lower blood pressure in dogs.

If your dog is experiencing side effects from their medication, let your vet know. They may be able to recommend other water pills for dogs that can be used with natural canine herbal diuretics like these that help your dog to show improvement. Remember that natural diuretics for dogs can interact with your pet's medication. This is why it is important to let your vet know which natural diuretics your dog is taking.


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